
17 Possible Reasons Why Guys Don’t Call When They Like You

You made a great connection with him, but it’s been three days, and he still hasn’t called you yet. You’re sure he’s smitten with you, so you’re left wondering why guys don’t call when they like you.There are many reasons why, and here we provide you with a comprehensive list of most of them and how you can make the situation better. Read on to find out more!...READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE ▶▶

Meaning of a guy not calling you

When a guy doesn’t call you, you may fear that he has either lost interest in being with you or is questioning the status of your relationship. It is natural for the mind to jump toward a negative conclusion in these moments.

However, a guy could hold himself back from texting you even when he likes you because he may want to play it cool; he could be shy or because of another factor.

So, please don’t assume that a guy’s lack of communication is related to his negative impression of you or your relationship with him. It could mean various things that we have discussed below

Should I call him or wait for him to call me?

Before we dig into why your man is not calling you, let’s tackle the most significant question you’re asking yourself right now – “should I make the first move?” The answer is it depends.

Do you think he’s not calling you because he needs your reassurance? Do you think you’re actually pushing him or scaring him away by making the first move? What if he thinks you’re too desperate and reads it as a red flag? All of these are valid questions.

While we look at the reasons below, we also take the time to point out the situations where making the first move is beneficial and necessary. This is especially true when your partner is insecure, upset, or busy.

There are plenty more cases where this is important, and we will discuss those at length in the next section.

17 possible reasons why guys don’t call when they like you

If you are running over all possible reasons to explain a guy’s silence, despite him liking you, the points listed below can help you out. Here are some reasons why guys don’t call when they like you that can clear out your confusion with ease:

1. He thinks you’re not interested in him

One of the reasons why guys don’t call when they like you is that they don’t know whether you’re interested in them or not. Sometimes, they need a little more nudging to make the first move. They tend to call more freely when they’re sure that you might reciprocate their interest.

2. He might have different priorities

When a guy ignores you but likes you, he might not understand that you consider calls and texts as necessary. Because he may not prioritize these forms of communication, he might assume that you don’t either.

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3. He’s uncomfortable when talking over the phone

Research says telephone or phone anxiety might not be as uncommon as people think.

If he’s someone who’s suffering from a social anxiety disorder, there’s a good chance that he feels uncomfortable when calling you.

It can be hard to navigate this, but the best way to do this is to give him reassurance and time and help him overcome it at his own pace. Texting or meeting him physically in his comfort space can be healthy ways of interacting with him.

4. You might have upset him

A reason why men stop calling all of a sudden is when something goes wrong. Try to recall the last time you interacted – did you say anything that might’ve upset him? Did you fight or disagree on something?

He might have stopped calling to get some alone time to process things or maybe allow you to apologize. Giving him that space and then reaching out after a while could re-initiate his communication with you.

5. He is a bad communicator

Sometimes, why men don’t call when they say they will has nothing to do with how much they like you; they happen to be bad communicators across the board.

When you wonder, “Why doesn’t he call me?” try to understand his communication style and skills. Sometimes, you might have to compromise or else make the first move and call him yourself.

6. He’s playing hard to get

You had a fun first date, but it’s been two days, and he hasn’t called you yet. You thought it went well, and he even told you how much he liked you. He might be ghosting you because he’s playing hard to get.

Sometimes, men think that showing emotions and expressing their interest will drive them away from the people they like. They’re trying to keep the mystery and interest alive by playing hard to get.

Here’s a video that lists the different ways people try to play hard to get, and it might help you identify the signs:

7. He doesn’t want to seem too clingy

A reason why guys don’t call when they like you could be because they’re trying not to suffocate you with attention. Maybe they have some trauma from their previous relationships where their girlfriends were too clingy and didn’t give them enough space.

Consider having an open conversation with him about what you expect from him in terms of communication and how you feel if he doesn’t call you. Communicating your feelings can help him understand when to call and when not to call you.

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8. He’s preoccupied

When a guy doesn’t call, he might be preoccupied with other work or commitments. He might’ve not had the time or headspace to give you a call. It’s also possible that he’s too busy to focus on his personal life, especially if he’s someone who constantly gets overwhelmed with work.

An excellent way to ease his stress would be to give him some space when he doesn’t call or send him a caring text message like “Hope your day is going well” or “Don’t forget to breathe!”

You can also remind him to take breaks from work and get some relaxation. This can help him see you as a safe space, which will make him want to spend time with you.

9. They don’t know you’re expecting a call

Sometimes, worrying too much about what it means when a man doesn’t call you is moot. He probably doesn’t even realize that you’re expecting him to call! This is a classic lack of communication that you find early on in relationships.

When you first start dating someone, setting down some expectations can save you time and emotional effort. 

Psychologists often talk about how having high expectations, especially those not communicated, can only lead to disappointment.

So, if you wonder, “Why is he avoiding me if he likes me?” make sure you lower your expectations and let him know that calls are essential for you, too.

10. They are shy by nature

“He never calls me” you complain but have you noticed his typical nature?

Some guys are just very shy and reserved by nature. They think they might inconvenience you or bother you by calling you often.

Overt consideration towards you could be a reason why guys don’t call when they like you. So, make sure you tell them that you would love to talk to them over call and that they shouldn’t hesitate or worry too much about it.

11. He’s not sure about where you’re heading

Some men like knowing what they’re signing up for. They like planning for the future because they invest in you based on your commitment. This could be the driving force behind why guys say they will call and don’t.

So, talking through your long-term plans with him and letting him know where you are in the relationship could motivate him to call and check in on you more often.

12. He’s waiting for you to call him

“Should I call my boyfriend if he doesn’t call me?” Maybe that’s what he wants, too.

Some guys like it when you make the first move. But how long should you wait to call a guy? That depends on how enthusiastic you are. Maybe one day after your date initially, but the next day if you’ve been in a relationship with them for a long time.

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Another great way to override why guys don’t call when they like you is to talk to him about it the next time you meet in person.

You can check in with him to see what his expectations for calling are and ask him how much space he wants from you right after you hang out. This could help you understand his reasons for not calling you right away.

13. He’s juggling multiple partners

Nobody likes to hear this, but here’s the hard truth- if you just started dating and you haven’t talked about being “official” yet, there’s a chance he might be seeing someone else and testing out the waters. Usually, they might not call as much in this phase of the relationship.

If you think this is something you want to pursue, letting him know where you stand can help him understand the expectations.

14. He’s testing your commitment

Heres the stitch, research shows that men and women are equally insecure.

Sometimes, men deal with their insecurity by avoiding you or putting distance between the two of you, which means not calling. Some reassurance can go a long way in helping him gain the confidence to call you.

15. He’s overthinking

Why a guy doesn’t call when he likes you could probably be because he’s overthinking about you and your relationship. This may not be because of you but because he’s an anxious individual. We all overthink sometimes.

If you make a move first, he’ll be more assured of your interest in him and will start to reciprocate.

16. Traditional beliefs

For some guys, sticking to traditional gender roles is a thing. They might believe that in the dating dance, it’s the guy who should make the first significant move. So, if he’s not calling, it could be because he’s waiting for that traditional green light, expecting you to initiate the conversation.

17. Waiting for the right moment

Patience is a virtue, they say. Some guys are all about creating the perfect setting for that first call.

They might be waiting for a moment they believe is just right – maybe after a great date or when the stars align. It’s their way of ensuring the call is memorable and sets a positive tone for the conversation.

What should you do when he isn’t calling you?

When a guy isn’t getting in touch with you, you will benefit from giving him some space and time to figure things out.

The pressure of your expectations may further confuse and move him in a negative direction. Furthermore, if a guy is not talking to you, try not to jump to a conclusion, as it will cause you anxiety. After some time, you can discuss things with him directly without pressuring him.

Written by Gistnub

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