
BREAKING: Tinubu’s Local Government Autonomy Is Fulani Conquest Agenda.

So, Nigerians have yet again allowed the political class to put fire on their heads with the Supreme Court’s recent granting of Financial Autonomy to Local Governments. WHEN will Nigerians see that their political class created by a FORGERY (the illegitimate 1999 Constitution) and that then uses the provisions of that FORGERY, do not mean them well? Hopefully, after reading this piece the eyes of a critical mass of Nigerians (Gen Z?) will open to see that they must in an organized fashion and using an ORDERLY PROCESS, exercise their inalienable right of Sovereignty, and that NINAS is right....READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE ▶▶

Recall that on 29th May 2024 NINAS brought out a Communiqué titled, “Local Government Autonomy Is RUGA In Disguise, Just Like The Defeated Grazing Route Bill, Waterways Bill, And National Livestock Bill”, then soon after on 4th June 2024 NINAS had a virtual Townhall which is the source of what is being published here. That Townhall topic had been, “Tinubu’s Local Government Autonomy Is RUGA In Disguise.” (See NOTES section below).

The material being from a Townhall, was conversational in style. The information to be conveyed here will therefore be just a Summary that includes some direct quoting, and produced as a sort of Take Home Points. The Reader though is very much advised to listen to the entire Townhall session, and for convenience the link to it is in the NOTES section below.

First though to place Unitary Nigeria (One Nigeria) in context and to understand why there is so much horrific bloodshed, increasing production of displaced survivors (IDPs), social and political decay, no democracy, increasing cost of living and never-ending miseries – and this is happening to peoples who are not migrants/refugees somewhere abroad, but who are in their very own God-given ancestral lands. It is because an enemy is in control of Nigerians and in control of their ancestral lands. Nigerians did NOT get Independence as they had thought in 1960. By guile and evil machinations, Britain had placed the immigrant settler Fulani as their agents, and also as overlords of Nigeria. Thus, Ahmadu Bello a leader of the Fulani, made a Declaration of what Nigeria would be turned into after the physical departure of the British. What Ahmadu Bello had said was a declaration of war against Nigerians and that warfare is what Nigerians are experiencing, and it is multi-frontal, coming at them from many sides. This Fulani Conquest Agenda is what is playing out and it requires operating an actual Unitary System (One Nigeria) never you mind that it gets called “Federal” by liars. Here is Ahmadu Bello’s Declaration of the Fulani Conquest Agenda:

“The new nation called Nigeria should be an Estate of our great grandfather Uthman Dan Fodio. We must ruthlessly prevent a change of power. We use the minorities in the North as willing tools and the South as a conquered territory and never allow them to rule over us and never allow them to have control over their future”. – Ahmadu Bello, Premier of the Northern Region, reported in The Parrot newspaper, 12th October 1960 (Just a few days after Independence)

The Sovereignty of indigenous Ethnic Nations must be overridden for this Fulani Conquest Agenda to proceed which is what is achieved by the illegitimate 1999 Constitution. Plus, it needs “Willing Tools” which is what the indigenous political class are. In common terminology, they are sell-outs and traitors.

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Now for the Summary of the NINAS Townhall where the implications of Local Government Autonomy when Nigerians are facing a Fulani Conquest Agenda, is explained.

  1. The Fulani Conquest Agenda attacks Nigerians on several fronts and uses various disguises such as RUGA (Fulani colonies with their cattle). Nigerians should remember that Buhari’s regime had tried but thankfully failed, to bring in Local Government Autonomy through Constitutional Amendment and NINAS had been significant then by explaining how Local Government Autonomy facilitates RUGA. (See the NOTES below for a NINAS video broadcast on this subject)
  1. To sell the irrational idea of Local Government Autonomy when Nigeria has a dysfunctional constitutional arrangement (and a constitutional crisis of a No-Nigeria Union reality) is yet another deceit. It is of a similar kind to when Usman Dan Fodio the Fulani plunderer and land grabber convinced the Hausa populace that their kings were corrupt and that the Islam they had was of an inferior type. Thus, the Hausa people joined the Fulani Invaders to get rid of their own Kings, then the Fulani stepped into the Hausa thrones and have been governing them to this date from that deceit. The deceit being used on Nigerians for this Local Government Autonomy ruse is: oh the Governors are stealing the money of Local Government let us stop them from taking the money meant for Council development with Local Government Autonomy – that is at the front end. However, at the back end it is a swindling design, something by which the Fulani-controlled Central Government will become the controller of your local community up to even your household because the way they crafted the Law by which they are trying to do this, there is a conditionality attached.

The condition attached to this Direct Allocation to Local Government which looks very sweet from afar, is that              if money will come straight from the Federation Account to the Local Government Account that bypasses the                Governor’s input, (I want us to listen very carefully), then the conduct of Local Government Elections will be                 done by INEC! It means that the INEC that is sitting in Abuja controlled by the Fulani will now be the one                     processing candidates for you in your Local Governments. Hitherto, Local Government Elections had been the             business of State Independent Electoral Commissions that is SIECs instead of INEC. State Independent                         Electoral Commissions meaning that the states in terms of Governor and the administration of the                                   governments of the states are in charge of the Local Government conducting elections, and are also part of                     managing their finances.

The system was designed from the beginning to make Governors responsible for the monies, and the political               class are now pretending that they do not know that this was intended for stealing. This is all to deceive the                   public because if Central Government was interested in stopping corruption it would seek to Terminate the                   illegitimate 1999 Constitution, creator and upholder of systemic corruption. It is because Local Government                 Autonomy is just a ruse. What have they done about the immunity attached to the Governors? What have they             done about the corruption of all the Governors across the last 25 years flowing from the Appropriation                           Provisions that give them the spare key to the Treasury? If they are concerned about corruption, what have                   they done about the provisions of the 1999 Constitution that exclude responsibility to the citizen so that the                   Governor does not owe citizens any welfare, not education, or housing or even healthcare. Nothing at all                         because with Section 6.6C of the 1999 Constitution the government does not owe Nigerians any obligation at               all.

  1. The Fulani have been trying to take over the entire country from the time they entered this West African space. To repeat, Local Government Autonomy reduces the little control that indigenous Ethnic Nations have in their ancestral lands because it comes with the condition that INEC would now take charge of conducting Local Government Elections. Since the money would be coming directly from Central Government, the Local Government Chairpersons will then owe allegiance to them, not to local people. Same for your Traditional Rulers who you think are your last line of defence. The allowance for Traditional Rulers (together) is 5% of the money that goes to Local Government. If Abuja is now the one to pay that money directly to the Local Government Chairman and your Traditional Rulers, their allegiance is first with where their money comes from, let us make no mistake about that. Fulani will control you to your community and your Local Government Chairmen will be going to Abuja the same way Governors are going to Abuja today. Their loyalty and Allegiance will be to the Fulani that have to pay them their money. Your Traditional Rulers will be in tow because if they misbehave their 5% Allowance will cease to come to them. That is the danger we are in.
  1. Part of the Fulani Conquest Agenda involves Demographic Alteration of local areas not only by killing off the indigenous owners and taking over their land as is happening in the Middle Belt, but also by design by having children with indigenous people. You will find Fulani who bear Igbo, or Yoruba, or Ijaw, or Tiv etc names in Nigerian communities – but Fulani know they are their own. If Nigerians do not stop this Fulani Conquest Agenda now (how to will be explained below), then these Fulani in our midst with local indigenous names could be empowered in our communities to continue the conquest on behalf of their Fulani family side.
  1. Indigenous peoples have for decades been crying out for more Autonomy for their Ethnic Nation. So, does it make sense for them to applaud this new Supreme Court-given Local Government Autonomy that gives more power to Central Government over Local Government Areas? So the same enemy that used the illegitimate 1999 Constitution to hijack the Autonomy (Self-Determination) of indigenous Ethnic Nations is now using that same 1999 Forgery (Constitution) to take away even the very little freedoms that Local Government Areas have. Nigerians – we can stop this accursed situation but it means grabbing hold of truth, and pushing back the Fulani Conquest Agenda that advances only with lies, frauds, and deception.
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How To Stop every aspect of the Fulani Conquest Agenda:

The Instrument that empowers the Fulani Conquest Agenda has been identified. It is the 1999 Constitution – it is not even a real Constitution, but a fraud, a lie, a make-believe.

The chief enemy was identified for us by Ahmadu Bello himself, for without them the Fulani can do NOTHING. He called them “Willing Tools”. They are the indigenous political class. They are the Governors and Deputies, the Senators, the members of the House of Representatives etc. Those serving, those who served, and those who contested but did not win. They are also the Proprietors and Promoters of ALL political parties. The entire political class make up less than 1% of Nigeria’s population but they are the ones who have tied Nigerians down for the Fulani Conquest Agenda to run over them. The indigenous political class do so by Sustaining and Enforcing that illegitimate 1999 Constitution over their own people. They use lies, fraud, and deceit, and bribery/financial inducements. Their reward for being traitors and sell-outs is riches-for-life in Nigeria and abroad. Nigerians must therefore SEPARATE THEMSELVES from the Willing Tool political class.

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That 1999 Constitution must be Taken Down and Terminated – ALL of it. No “amendments”, no “substitutions”, no gimmicks. The Strategy Action to get that done is:

– No further National Elections under the illegitimate 1999 Constitution – since elections renew the life of the 1999 Constitution.

– So demand SHUTDOWN of preparations to 2027 National Elections. That means that all Political Parties must now CLOSE SHOP – immediately (no delay).

– Instead of further National Elections demand TRANSITION Now for Constitutional/Union Reconfiguration. The outcome can be a Federation or Confederation.

– The default position if Transitioning is avoided is that there is immediate Nigeria Union Dissolution and Ethnic Nations would separate in Blocs of their choice as independent Successor Countries.


1).Source of the information in this article: Townhall recording – Tinubu’s Local Government Autonomy Is RUGA In Disguise. Link here:

2).RUGA ALERT: Swindling by amendments. (March 2022). Link here:

Ndidi Uwechue is a British citizen with Igbo heritage from the Lower Niger Bloc. She is a retired Metropolitan (London) Police Officer, she is a signatory to the Constitutional Force Majeure, and she writes from Abuja.

Written by Gistnub

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