
Avoid Drinking Water After Eating These 5 Foods

1. Watermelons: Watermelons are one of the greatest sources of water. People who are already suffering from digestive issues should wait for at least 40-50 minutes before drinking water. Watermelon already contains 96% water content, so when you drink more water after eating a watermelon, it may hamper the digestive system by diluting digestive juices...READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE ▶▶

2. Milk: Milk is itself a complete food that nourishes the body with necessary nutrients. But there are certain foods that should never be paired with milk, including citrus fruits and water. Our mothers must have cautioned us before drinking water after a warm cup of milk. It is because drinking water after warm milk may slow down the metabolism and also make the stomach acidic, causing digestive problems.

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3. Banana: Another food to avoid combining with water is bananas. You should avoid drinking water immediately after eating a banana as it can cause severe indigestion. Drinking water makes bananas hard to digest, therefore always wait for about 30 minutes for drinking water.

4. Peanuts: Who doesn’t love eating peanuts in cold weather? Eating peanuts usually speeds up the metabolism, and raises the body heat, thus helping you warm up before bed. One should avoid drinking water after eating peanuts as it may cause gastric issues, especially in children.

5. Citrus Fruits: Citrus fruits are high in fibre and vitamin C, which when combined with water can cause interruption in the absorption of nutrients and digestive juices by the body. Usually, when you eat citrus fruits like oranges, lemons or others, your stomach releases certain acids to maintain pH level. But when you drink water over citrus fruits, it may cause disturbance in pH level causing indigestion, bloating etc….READ FULL ARTICLE

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Written by Gistnub

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