People who are jealous and don’t want us to succeed will pop into our lives, and nobody is exempt from this....READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE ▶▶
Now that you know the signs someone doesn’t want you to succeed, it will be easier to spot and handle them.
1) Delve into the root cause of jealousy or anger towards you
Confrontation is the first step to knowing the reason behind a jealous person’s ill feelings towards you.
When the person opens up, do not be defensive in response to their thoughts.
If the person brings up how great things are for you, and they feel resentful and bitter about it, remind them of your setbacks they may not be aware of.
If they say they don’t like you and that is why they don’t want you to succeed, then tell them that you have done nothing negative towards them.
Try to remain calm as much as possible when tackling a sensitive topic such as this. Do your best to keep your voice low so the other person won’t feel attacked.
2) Empathize with them
Now you know what triggers the other person’s jealousy or anger towards you, it would be easier for you to empathize with them.
Being a bigger person can be challenging, but with practice, it will come more naturally.
For someone to not wish that you will succeed is just plain mean and negative. They obviously have problems in their own life.
So consider giving them some benefit of the doubt since they might be emotionally struggling with insecurities.
Maybe they are feeling jealous of your career progress because they have been working hard to gain the respect of your boss.
They might be jealous of your life because they are going through a rough patch in their marriage life.
Jealousy is a sickening emotion to have, so it’s better to share some empathy for the struggle they are putting themselves through instead of resorting to judging them.
3) Provide them with a compliment
Knowing that a person’s jealousy is caused by their self-doubt, insecurities, and feelings of inadequacy can help you become more open-minded and fight the urge to react in anger.
If they’re feeling ultra negative towards you, then responding with more anger won’t help. Instrad, try to respond with kindness.
For instance, if they’re particularly jealous about how your home looks extravagant, you could say that they have a wide garden, which you don’t have at home. Highlight that people have varying strengths and skills in life, so there’s no need for feelings of jealousy.
You cannot compliment them fully to satisfaction, but you can help them shake off their negative view towards you if you give them positive feedback.
4) Talk about how you feel
If you are talking with a close friend, use “I statements” to convey your feelings about one specific remark or action that the person has said or done.
For instance, say “I feel uneasy when you say mean things about me to our colleagues, because it makes me feel like I was being rude to you.”
Never say “You make me feel,” “It makes me feel,” and the like, since these are vague statements. Try as much to be specific so that the other person can easily digest the circumstances.
5) Explain how their actions affected you
Do not put your emotions on the back burner. Explain how their actions have affected you and be specific about them.
For instance, you can start by saying, “I feel dejected when you constantly ignore me while you’re being a pleasant friend to others because it makes me feel like you don’t want me to be a part of the circle anymore.”
You can also share your own interpretation of a specific action. For example, you can say, “I feel confused when you told me it was sheer luck that led me to promotion because I feel I am not skilled nor hard-working enough to deserve this.”
Avoid putting the blame on the jealous person when ironing things out. For instance, avoid saying, “I feel pressured to answer your calls because you’re a jealous person.”
6) Limit your interaction
The first five tips are focused on you doing your part proactively to improve your friendship or relationship with the person who is jealous of you.
If you notice that they’re still exhibiting the same toxic behavior, then try to keep a distance from them.
They might have powerful, irreversible internal insecurities that make them sensitive and vulnerable to even the littlest things. In that case, anything you do might worsen their feelings and make them question their worth.
If there’s no way to get rid of them in your life completely, then limit your interaction with them. And when you interact, keep out personal or professional subjects out of the conversation.
7) Ignore them
Have you tried all the mentioned tips yet nothing good came out of it? Then it’s probably better to cut them out of your life.
You can never be right to the wrong people, and it’s totally fine to cut the shoe that pinches the foot. After all, there is no rulebook in life which says you have to be friends with every person you encounter.
It’s true that you have no control over their actions, but you can control your emotions. So, don’t react to their negativity at all costs.
The experience may not be pleasant at first, but not giving them the attention and satisfaction of seeing you dispirited can quickly help you get over the situation.
Make no room for toxic people in your life. Life is short to deal with negativity. Instead, choose to follow our last and probably the most essential tip below.
8) Spend more time with people who genuinely like and love you
Dealing with jealous, toxic people is mentally and emotionally draining. Before matters get the best of you, keep in mind to prioritize interacting with people who are worth your energy and time.
Not only will it save you from headaches, but bonding with people who bring value to your life will attract good things in life, such as happiness, contentment, and love.
If someone doesn’t like you, then there is no point in trying to please them since it will only cause you mental and emotional exhaustion. To save yourself from all the stress, make peace with the fact that not all people will like you.
There are so many other positive things in life that need us, such as genuine friends and a loving family. Choose to focus your attention on them and watch yourself further thrive in life.
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